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Bumblebees News


W/B 25th November 2024


This week our concept in nursery has been quantity with a hook back to shape.
The concept language for each concept was:
Level 1: a bit, all, a lot, some

Level 2:  first, next, another, any, many, no more, as much as

Level 3: second, third, last


Level 1: dot, line, round, spot

Level 2: circle, flat, square
Level 3: triangle

The stories we have shared this week were: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Our songs this week will be 5 Little Ducks, 5 Speckled Frogs and 5 Little Monkeys.

Our classroom provision has included role playing our songs in the tuft tray and acting out Three Billy Goats Gruff, printing with blocks, races inside and outside eg feather races on the tables to think about the language of first, second and third, potion making in the water tray and containers in the mud kitchen, shape hunts, magnetic shapes and much more.

Our Maths focus this week was thinking about who has more or less objects up to 5 within the children’s play. Our Phonics focus this week was to use instruments to represent characters in our stories EG what sound might represent each of the goats as they cross the bridge?



W/B 18th November 2024


This week our concept in the nursery has been family with a hook back to houses and homes.
The concept language for each concept was:
Level 1: mummy, daddy

Level 2: grandma, grandad etc

Level 3: family

Houses and Homes:

Level 1: home

Level 2: house, bedroom
Level 3: kitchen



The stories we have enjoyed sharing this week are: The Three Little Pigs, Monkey Puzzle and Great Big Book of Families.​​​​


Bumblebees have been busy in the classroom engaging with small world story telling in our tuft tray and on table tops and creating lovely artwork using family photos. We’ve also talked about animal families by playing matching animals to their babies. Bumblebees have been getting creative with the big bricks outside and have been building houses for the Big Bad Wolf to blow down too!

Our Maths focus this week was on fast recognition of objects (subitising). Bumblebees have played some online games to support this and have also played games with dice outside to practise recognising the patterns of the dots on the dice.  Our Phonics focus continues to be listening to instruments and copying sounds/rhythms which has been very noisy but lots of fun!

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W/B 11th November 2024

This week our concept in the nursery was space and prepositions with a hook back to movement.
The concept language for each concept was:
Level 1: by, off, over, to, inside, out, under

Level 2: round, away, next, through


Level 1: fast, slow, walk, run, kick, push
Level 2: roll, jump, kick, hop, climb, throw, stand, throw, catch
Level 3: skip, pass
The stories we have shared this week are: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Gingerbread Man and Billy Goats Gruff and the children have enjoyed roleplaying these stories using the small world set ups in our tuft tray all week.

Bumblebees have also been singing  the songs  Hockey Cockey and Ring of Roses alongside some of their other favourites.

The children have been busy in our classroom provision that has included small world story telling, tunnels, rivers outside, board games, scarf/ball play, skipping ropes and obstacle courses. We’ve also played lots of games like Simon Says to include prepositions and movements in their play.

Another great week had by all in Bumblebees!

W/B 4th November 2024

This week our concept in the nursery was clothes with a hook back to size and weight.
The concept language for each concept was:
Level 1: coat, shoes, hat
Level 2: Jumper, tshirt, dress, socks, cardigan, skirt, trousers, pants

Level 3:  knickers
Size and Weight:

Level 1: heavy, little
Level 2: full, empty, small, big
Level 3: large, light, bigger
The stories we have shared this week are: The Smartest Giant in Town, Simon Sock and Pete the Cat- 4 Groovy Buttons

Bumblebees have been learning the songs  Wind the Bobbin Up and Here we Go Round the Mulberry Bush.

The children have been enjoying our classroom provision that has included pop up role play in the home corner- shoe/clothes shop, washing dolls clothes in the water tray outside and pegging them out, crown making, dressing up, sock matching and much more.

We’ve also focussed on the children becoming more independent when putting on their coats using a little trick we’ve been teaching them. They have loved learning how to do this by themselves!

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W/B 21st October 2024

This week our concept in the nursery has been shape with a hook back to colour.
The concept language for each concept was:
Level 1: dot, line, round, spot
Level 2: circle, flat, square
Level 3: triangle
Level 1: blue, green, red
Level 2: yellow
Level 3: orange, pink, purple
The stories we  shared this week are: The Dot, The Perfect Fit, Shapes by Roald Dahl and Pete the Cat’s Groovy Buttons.
We have sung I can Sing a Rainbow and playing I Spy with shapes and colours in and around the classroom.

Bumblebees have enjoyed printing in various colours using potatoes and objects to create shapes, played with playdough using round or square cutters, painted with wheeled toys, played with instruments and have made shapes using lolly sticks.
A great last week of half term in Bumblebees



W/B 14th October 2024


This week our concept in the nursery has been houses and homes with a hook back to food.

The concept language for each concept was:

Houses and Homes:

Level 1: home   

Level 2: house, bedroom

Level 3: kitchen


Level 1: milk, hungry, drink, cup, spoon, thank you, please

Level 2: snack, breakfast, lunch, dinner, hot, cold, cook

Level 3: sandwich, cereal, bowl, plate, knife, beaker

The stories we shared this week were: This is Our House by Micheal Rosen, Three Little Pigs, The Biggest Bed in the World, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Spider Sandwiches. We have sung This is the House that Jack Built and There is a Little House.

Bumblebees have had so much fun exploring the language of Houses and Homes and Food within the classroom provision. They have built houses in our outside area using big foam bricks and have role- played being in the kitchen in the mud kitchen and the sandpit. They have used the water trays to potion mix and had tea parties for the tiger from our story in our tuft tray. Their favourite story has been The Three Little Pigs and they have enjoyed role playing this outside and also making houses using straw, sticks and bricks in the tuft tray.

A fabulously fun week in nursery!

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W/B 7th October 2024 

This week our concept in the nursery has been movement with a hook back to emotions/feelings.

The concept language for movement and feelings is:


Level 1: fast, slow (ly), walk, run, kick, push

Level 2: roll, jump, stand, hop, skip, climb, throw, catch

Level 3: skip, pass


Level 1: happy, sad, hot, cold

Level 2: upset, cross, scared, angry, poorly, tired

Level 3: worried

The stories we have shared this week are Paper Dolls, Hop Little Bunny, The Colour Monster and Hospital Dog. Bumblebees have enjoyed singing and dancing the songs Hop Little Bunny and If You’re Happy and You Know It.

Bumblebees have had a very active week and have enjoyed lots of opportunities to kick, throw, catch, dance, roll and jump within our movement provision alongside our hook back provision of emotions and feelings where the children have thought about feeling happy and sad and have also enjoyed role playing vets and doctors.

W/B 30th September 2024 

This week our concept in the nursery has been size and weight. The concept language we have covered for this was:

Level 1: heavy, little

Level 2: empty, full, small, big

Level 3: large, light, bigger

Level 4: heavier, lighter

The stories we shared are The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Too Heavy, Too Light and Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?. Bumblebees have also been learning  the songs I Have a Tiny Turtle and Roly Poly Big and Small.

This week in the nursery some of our provision has included:

Small world role play of our stories, bridge making using junk, Duplo and wooden blocks, playing with different sized balls, exploring sizes and weights of natural objects, mud play and water play. Bumblebees have also made some salt dough and created some pinch pots with it!

Also in the nursery this week:

Maths has been linked to exploring size and weight using scales to investigate weights of various objects and Phonics has been ‘Hide the Teddy’- a listening game in which the teddy gets hidden and the children sing to give the child looking clues as to where it is in the room by singing louder if they are close or quietly of they are far away.

What a fun week we’ve had exploring sizes and weights in Bumblebees!​

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​W/B 23rd September 2024 

This week, our concept in nursery has been ‘colour’. The concept language that Bumblebees have been focussing on within the classroom provision is: red, yellow, blue, green, white, orange, pink and purple.

We have shared Pete the Cat and his White Shoes, Mixed and Mix it Up, which the children have really enjoyed. Within the classroom provision, Bumblebees have been colour detectives in their play, they have also played with colourful balloons and scarves and have looked at some fantastic autumnal objects through magnifying glasses whilst talking about the colours they could see. The children have observed some huge sunflowers and worked really hard to paint them, thinking about the colours they’d use.

As always, we have sung lots of songs this week; our colour song was I Can See a Rainbow.

We’ve had so much fun learning the language around colours in Bumblebees!






W/B 16th September 2024


This week, our concept in nursery has been ‘food’. The concept language that Bumblebees have been focussing on within the classroom provision was: milk, hungry, drink, cup, spoon, thank you, please,

snack, breakfast, lunch, dinner, hot, cold, cook, sandwich, cereal, bowl, plate, knife, spoon, beaker

We have shared Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Tiger that Came to Tea and Spider Sandwiches, which the children have really enjoyed. They have mixed porridge oats and made breakfast for the 3 bears in the outdoor area using spoons and bowls of different sizes and have enjoyed making various drinks for the tiger in the water tray outside. Bumblebees have also made toast and have made some pinch pots using salt dough.

We have sung lots of songs this week, including I’m a Little Teapot and Pat-a-Cake amongst other favourites with a number focus, such as 5 Little Ducks and 5 Speckled Frogs.

We’ve had so much fun learning the language around food in Bumblebees.

















W/B 9th September 2024

This week our concept in the nursery has been ‘emotions’ with a focus on the language:

happy, sad, scared, upset, angry, hot and cold.




We have shared the stories The Colour Monster, Hospital Dog and Feelings along with lots of other books related to feelings and emotions. Our songs related to this have been Miss Polly had a Dolly and If You’re Happy and You Know It which the children have been really enjoying learning and singing.






Some of our provision has included using mirrors to look at their faces, explore colours related to how they feel using paints etc, create chalk faces in hoops, bubble play, vet role play, ice play and warm water play. The children have loved joining in with the activities throughout the week, especially playing with bubbles and role-playing being a doctor/nurse with the dolls in the home corner.

We have been thinking about numbers to 5 in Maths and have been singing lots of counting songs such as 5 Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Ducks and 5 Monkeys on the Bed. The children are getting really good at joining in with the actions for these. In Phonics, we have been thinking about the importance of listening and being quiet in our environment to listen out for noises.


If you would like to support your child to develop their understanding and use of the above vocabulary, here are some suggestions for you to try:

  • role playing doctors/nurses with dolls or teddies or vets with toy animals

  • freeze small toys in ice

  • go for a walk and talk about the weather and talk about whether it feels warm or cold outside

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